Heuer wrote: 
> There is a new f/w release from the community for the
> Radio/Touch/Controller which you can enable in LMS V8.1.1
> https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?113479-Announce-Community-Firmware-for-Squeezebox-Radio-Touch-Controller-and-LMS-8
> Don't think it does anything for sound quality but you will need to
> check the release notes. EDO will allow playback of 192Kb files via USB
> on the Touch but the audio quality is really down to your DAC.

Thanks - I bought this SBT used and noticed during power up that the
'Enhanced Digital Output Unsupported by Logitech' message appears on
power up - I hadn't noticed this before so the previous owner must have
installed EDO.

Funny thing is - I reset the SBT to factory defaults about a Week or so
ago but this message is still coming up (I never noticed it before). Not
that I'm too bothered - it's all working OK - I just wondered why you
can't reset it back to how it was out of interest.

Does EDO give me other enhanced options if I choose not to use the USB
out? Does it also Enhance coax?

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