Heuer wrote: 
> There is a new f/w release from the community for the
> Radio/Touch/Controller which you can enable in LMS V8.1.1
> https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?113479-Announce-Community-Firmware-for-Squeezebox-Radio-Touch-Controller-and-LMS-8
> Don't think it does anything for sound quality but you will need to
> check the release notes. EDO will allow playback of 192Kb files via USB
> on the Touch but the audio quality is really down to your DAC.

Man in a van wrote: 
> One needs to reset the software to v7.7.3 (I might have the version
> number slightly wrong) but go to software update on the touch
> With EDO all three digital outputs will give the enhanced rate, the
> difference may be with the RX chip in the playback device 
> ronnie

Ok well I'm OK with having EDO on the Touch as it stands from the
previous owner, so I guess I don't need to reset back to v7.7.3. I have
just downloaded and installed LMS 8.1.1 on my PC so does this mean the
Touch will get its updates from the PC as a proxy from here on in?

Good to know that the EDO also affects the coax in a positive way too.

It really is a good transport although you would expect an Auralic Mini
transport to be better - but that's not there case in my tests. Perhaps
the software has a lot to do with streaming sound quality too.

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