I am using LMS on a Windows 10 Pro machine and Squeeze Box Touch. I am
having some scanning issues so I chose to update my LMS from 7.7.5 to
8.1.1 and after rebooting I again did a re-scan but got the error
message that LMS does not recognize my device, it needs to either be
updated or patched. When I rebooted my SB, there was a update message so
I continued the update(7.7 to 7.8) and to my surprise, it was still
connected and the media was playing OK. Just to check, I followed the
patch instructions(Adv/Applet Installer/) and installed the app. Then
rebooted and did Settings/Advanced/Patch Installer but "Version
Comparison Fix" was not in the list. Have I somehow overcome the
suggested patch fix or is there more to do? I understand there is a
newer LMS version 9.6. Should I give that a try? BTW, I still have the
same re-scan problem that does not allow me add or delete folders from
the scanning path list. I have attached a screenshot of the error that I
see in LMS after doing a re-scan.

|Filename: LMS Error.PNG                                            |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=33980|

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