Apesbrain wrote: 
> It's safe to update to the latest LMS available here:
> http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/index.php?ver=8.2
> Other than that, I'd wait for more responses to decide what to do.  If
> you only have a Touch, that message makes no sense.  The "Version
> Comparison Fix" only applied to the Radio.
> The current Touch firmware is  8.0.1-r16844, but the version you are
> running should be fine.  If you want to update to latest firmware:
> https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?113479-Announce-Community-Firmware-for-Squeezebox-Radio-Touch-Controller-and-LMS-8
> Given that you are having other issues with LMS, I'd suggest updating
> both above and restoring your Touch to factory settings.  Sometimes LMS
> throws an error during Windows install; just click the "Retry" button,
> if this happens.

Thanks Apesbrain, Sounds like good advice. I did the LMS 8.2.0 update
and system restart and ran a scan and the message does not appear. I
tried adding a folder to the Library and got the same result, nothing. I
will post another thread with my scan log and see if anyone can help me.
Thanks again.

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