I run QNAP LMS, an SBT, EDO, and an iFI xDSD.  This ran great for a long
time.  However now the SBT does not see the DAC.  In addition I do not
see the option under Output to select the iFi, only Analog & Digital or
Digital only.  

Note that I rebooted and re-installed EDO and Kernel many times.

I factory reset, reloaded EDO and no luck.
I switched to a Topping NX4 and no luck (Note: I used to get the option
under Outputs to select the Topping)
I tried an iFi Nano DSD and after rebooting, re-downloading the Kernel,
I see the option for the iFi driver...but it only plays for 5 seconds
and cuts out.  This happened twice.
I switch to Analog out and no problem.  Plays fine.

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks. chris

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