I don't have a touch handy, so I'm foggy on the setup, but, the original
state of the touch in your first post (my music and settings only) is
how one of my touches looks after a power failure. The touch has come
back up after power restore, but the network has not (takes a long
time), or, LMS has not restarted properly. So I would assume that your
touch does not see the network or LMS. 

Then when you connect via ethernet, the connection is made, and the
touch is happy.

So I would suspect there is a problem with the WIFI on your touch
OR...quite frequently the power supply (brick) is faulty. This forum is
filled with "I replaced the power supply and all is well" stories :)

Since you have 3 touches, swap power supplies and see if the problem
stays with the device or supply. Alternatively, factory reset a
different touch and see if it is happy with the network/LMS.

If you indeed do have a wireless problem with one of your touches, in
addition to fixing it, you could just add a ether to wifi dongle.


PS - "factory reset" is also available via settings->advanced (from

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