philippe_44 wrote: 
> Yes, installation and loading are two different things, probably because
> you can up/downgrade LMS and keep the same installedPlugins directory.
> The features of "reliable" have been extended (cache & persistent) and
> integrated in LMS 8.2 (in "Network" options)

I'm so glad you explained this in detail because I now realize I have
running without it (but haven't been listening to podcasts much either).
I guess I assumed it was "built in", but even with the old reliable, it
has to be enabled. Light bulb moment...

so, now we have:

So my question would be this - should I run without and address if I run
into issues, or just turn on cached and move on? Is the buffered cache
stored in the normal LMS "cache folder"? How big can it get, will it
buffer and entire, say 1 hour podcast?

I am running LMS on pCP's with a USB HDD. I have a third partition on my
SD for LMS files like cache and prefs. 

Sorry for taking this thread on a left turn, maybe there is another area
that this was discussed? The Announce 8.2 thread maybe?


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