On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 08:46:48AM -0400, Chad Emahizer wrote:
> Could there possibly be a way to develop and distribute specific
> configurations of the trac.ini file and a trac.db file?  Maybe it's as
> simple as that.  I would think some sort of "white paper" would be needed
> (maybe documented in the wiki) that explains how the specific process the
> specific configuration is supposed to work.  Maybe a large(ish) percentage
> of processes could be covered by a small(ish) number of specific
> implementations.
> I think it is akin to how Apache and mysql was for me when I was trying to
> install a certain web-based bug tracking system for the first time.  I
> didn't know how to run a web server and deal with a db server.  More
> importantly, I didn't want to learn...had neither the time nor the desire.
> So finding the prebuilt and configured Apache release XAMPP by Apache
> Friends was the only thing that allowed me to move forward.
> Is it as "simple" as defining and documenting a process, configuring it,
> zipping the necessary pieces, and putting it up for distribution?  Ok, not
> so simple to define said process, but configuring Trac once the hard part is
> done is relatively easy I think.  It would be nice to have certain plugins
> preinstalled too, though I'm sure there's issues with redistributing others'
> plugins, even with the positive goal of more adoption of Trac.  I've not
> tinkered with dropping portions of a configured Trac system into an existing
> Track install to see how it reacts...
> This would allow the ability for Trac development to continue on the generic
> path it is currently on, yet allow someone to pick a pre-setup configuration
> that more closely fits the way they do business so they don't have to get
> their hands dirty in the nitty-gritty details.

This IMHO is the right direction to go:  keep trac generic but allow people 
ways of easily distributing customized "packages" that can be used to create 
trac instances.  To this end, I've been working on a program called TracLegos 
(http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TracLegosScript) that will do just that -- allow 
packaging and distribution of trac.ini files and requirements files for 
plugins.  The program is still in its infancy, but I'd love feedback on whether 
this idea is useful to people.  It was motivated by this concern coming up 
again and again.

(Nor is TracLegos the only software that does this.  TracForge also supports 
this sort of thing)

Hope this is useful, at least in the abstract.  Feel free to ticket and ask 
questions, as I'm very interested in people using this plugin if it does help 
with this problem.

Jeff Hammel
The Open Planning Project
IRC: jhammel, k0s

> -----Original Message-----
> From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Noah Kantrowitz
> Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 3:20 AM
> To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [Trac] Re: how is trac SUPPOSED to be used?
> This is correct, one of the central design tenets of Trac is that it  
> enforces as little process on you as possible. This does seem to  
> backfire sometimes, as there is a large segment of the userbase that  
> would like more structure than that. If you have a suggestion on how  
> to resolve this, please let us know, it is frequently debated but  
> people rarely seem to come up with anything solid.
> --Noah
> > 

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