I'm a Linux guy, so this is biased. :)  But my experience with almost
every open source app I've used/installed as a sys admin, is that very
few people put much effort into answering questions about
install/config problems on windows.  Just b/c LAMP has windows
counterparts and can work doesn't mean that it's the preferred OS.
Most developers that have an open source mindset don't have a windows
mind set.  They normally don't develop on Windows platforms, so they
don't troubleshoot the peculiarities of a LAMP stack on windows.  I
personally may know how to help solve the problem, but stop reading
when I see it running on a windows box.  I suspect others do too.  I'm
sure there are those who don't care, but for me lifes too short to be
a windows admin or troublshoot open source on windows.

Whether any of that is right or wrong remains to be seen :)

I would have to ask why you *need* to migrate from a Linux server to a
Windows one?  Also I would not migrate databases until you had it
working on the new server.  Only try to change one thing at a time,
that will make it easier to troubleshoot migration problems.

Matt P.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:19 PM, kdt <keith.d.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> As a total trac admin newbie - though a user for a couple of years - I
> was asked to look into the issues we could face by migrating our Trac
> 0.9.4 installation currently on a Linux server to an "update to most
> recent stable version" on a Windows Server (version to be
> determined).
> I'd appreciate any links and other suggestions - is it a simple matter
> to back up and migrate the database to the new install, or there other
> issues involved where we need to copy over configuration files - that
> kind of info would be a big help.
> As well, advice on databases would be a help - we currently have 2300
> or so tickets in our system and use the default db - not a
> particularly active system, 5 to 10 users at a time on average. Would
> it be worth looking into switching from postgresql instead of sqlite,
> or would that compound the change over headaches?
> Thanks,
> Keith
> >

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