> P.S. @Matt: If you don't want to help with Windows issues, why do you
> answer at all? :)

To clarify my original response.

The first of which is that my experience is that Windows gets no love
from the open source community and you'll most likely get less
responses, that is a big deal when the only support you have is from
other members of the community. PHB's that don't understand FOSS need
to understand that, they may not be able to enjoy having their cake
and eating it too.  They want FOSS, but don't want to devote the
resources to it.  Or they get bogged down in their little Microsoft
only world.  Just because you can get Python, Apache, Postgres, Mysql,
etc running on windows doesn't mean it will be as easy to deploy the
same app windows as it is Linux. And you'll find less people with
experience and desire to help trouble shoot the differences.

Now, I don't run windows servers if I don't have to, I do maintain
some, but I don't have any FOSS apps running on them.  What I meant by
the life is too short for me to be a windows admin, is  I generally
won't try to run FOSS on Windows,  and consequently I wouldn't have
windows environments setup to try to troubleshoot on.  I never said I
didn't want to help.  What I said was help will be harder to find and
that is a big deal.  I answered to make that specific point.

Matt P.

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