On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 10:37:13AM -0500, Olemis Lang wrote:
> Hello !
> I'm trying to enable SVN post-commit hook via web admin . Server is
> Win2k3 + py 2.5 + trac 0.11.1
> I'm using repositoryhooksystem 0.1.1 . No matter how hard I click on
> enable check box, the hook's never enabled and the checkbox remains
> unchecked after the HTTP response is sent back to my browser. 

Click harder ;)

> Nothing
> is reported in the log file and I can browse the source code , and so
> on (so should not be a problem with VCS connector or repos setup ;o)
> Besides TicketChanger is enabled and active but this feature doesn't
> work (but I suppose that's a consequence of the previous issue : how
> could it work if hooks are not setup ?).
> Does anybody has a clue ? What's happenning ? What's (could be) wrong ?
> Thnx in advance !
> -- 
> Regards,
> Olemis.

This is really hard to debug without server access.  Essentially, it probably 
comes from the fact that what this plugin is trying to do (parse the 
post-commit-hook file, check for FS permissions, etc) is pretty hard to do 
programmatically.  My actual advice is to write the post-commit-hook file by 

As far as your subsequent apache issue, I haven't a clue, sorry.


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