On Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 11:16:19 PM UTC-8, Mingxing Tian wrote:
> 在 2016年12月7日星期三 UTC+8下午2:37:57,RjOllos写道:
>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 10:22:26 PM UTC-8, Mingxing Tian wrote:
>>> 在 2016年12月7日星期三 UTC+8下午1:03:58,RjOllos写道:
>>>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 6:03:47 PM UTC-8, Mingxing Tian wrote:
>>>>> I found a few problems:
>>>>> 1. the first page is being given, please refer to Annex.
>>>> Before reporting these problems and asking us to tell you the solution, 
>>>> please try exploring yourself. Go to the project wiki page, see if there 
>>>> is 
>>>> an updated version of the plugin available.
>>>> You can see the problem is with TracWysiwygPlugin, right? So you should 
>>>> looks here:
>>>> https://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TracWysiwygPlugin
>>>> All I have to do is look at the change log and see that an issue with 
>>>> addEvent was fixed in r15940, which is the most recent change, seen at the 
>>>> bottom of the project wiki page.
>>>>> 2. view tags page log error output
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 613, 
>>>>> in _dispatch_request
>>>>>     dispatcher.dispatch(req)
>>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 273, 
>>>>> in dispatch
>>>>>     iterable=chrome.use_chunked_encoding)
>>>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/trac/web/chrome.py", line 
>>>>> 1119, in render_template
>>>>>     stream = template.generate(**data)
>>>>>   File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/genshi/template/base.py", line 
>>>>> 545, in generate
>>>>>     stream = self.stream
>>>>>   File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/genshi/template/base.py", line 
>>>>> 455, in stream
>>>>>     self._stream = list(self._prepare(self._stream))
>>>>>   File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/genshi/template/base.py", line 
>>>>> 491, in _prepare
>>>>>     yield kind, (directives, list(substream)), pos
>>>>>   File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/genshi/template/base.py", line 
>>>>> 505, in _prepare
>>>>>     cls=cls or self.__class__)
>>>>>   File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/genshi/template/loader.py", line 
>>>>> 246, in load
>>>>>     raise TemplateNotFound(filename, search_path)
>>>>> TemplateNotFound: Template "macros.html" not found
>>>> Thanks for reporting. Fixed in r16059.
>>>> https://trac-hacks.org/changeset/16059 
>>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftrac-hacks.org%2Fchangeset%2F16059&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNF3l2R2AXk-eh-vqwUaiVBMdFKdIA>
>>>>> 3. Cannot find an implementation of the IPasswordHashMethod interface 
>>>>> named HtDigestHashMethod. Please check that the Component is enabled 
>>>>> or update the option [account-manager] hash_method in trac.ini.
>>>> What steps have you taken to explore the problem? That error message 
>>>> must give you some hints. Please tell us what steps you've taken to try to 
>>>> solve it on your own, and I will gladly provide hints. If you don't find 
>>>> the error message clear, please explain since I'd like to improve it.
>>>>> 4. In addition, I also found a strange phenomenon, when I visit a 
>>>>> task list, the default modification of the work order of the DIV area is 
>>>>> open, which in the previous version is hidden.
>>>> I suppose this is an issue related to some plugin, but you've given no 
>>>> hints as to which plugin.
>>>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JmNCXsy5PS0/WEdrY1JsdEI/AAAAAAAAAHA/VzTOY6ERKOACefm2UgQtkJgPu3qE03CqwCLcB/s1600/QQ%25E6%2588%25AA%25E5%259B%25BE20161207095217.png>
>>> Thank you very much for your suggestion, I really should be good to 
>>> check their own and exclude some ridiculous questions. Here's my reply to 
>>> your suggestion:
>>> 1. By updating the "TracWysiwygPlugin" plug-in, so that part of the JS 
>>> problem is resolved, but there is still a problem:
>>> jquery.js:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: *[@id
>>> ](…)
>>> Which I can not confirm in the end is which plug-in problems, well, I 
>>> really tried to check.
>> Thank you for the info. Hint - take a unique part of that expression, 
>> such as "*[@id]", put it in the search box on trac-hacks.org. That leads 
>> me to:
>> https://trac-hacks.org/ticket/12721
>> Okay, now you can check. Does error go away if disabling 
>> SectionEditPlugin? Make sure to do a hard refresh of the page when enabling 
>> / disabling, before testing. If the error goes away, then we can confirm 
>> SectionEdit is the issue, in which case I'll look at fixing #12721.
>>> 2. By updating the trunk code, I fixed the problem Thank you.
>>> 3. I am in the management module configuration account error, when I 
>>> click "next" when I appeared above the problem mentioned. According to the 
>>> error, I think it is necessary to manually "trac.ini" in the distribution 
>>> of what? ?? ??
>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-VVhniuf0CHw/WEeoKGsjoBI/AAAAAAAAAHY/owwZSnSrZHoptqxvxXbm6spnq7tyYo5XACLcB/s1600/QQ%25E6%2588%25AA%25E5%259B%25BE20161207141037.png>
>>> [account-manager]
>>> account_changes_notify_addresses =
>>> htpasswd_file = /home/svndata/svnconf/passwd
>>> htpasswd_hash_type = md5
>>> notify_actions = new,change,delete
>>> password_store = HtPasswdStore
>>> reset_password = disabled
>> I find there are problems with that Configuration wizard of 
>> AccountManager, so maybe it's best to avoid it. Instead, I think you should 
>> just directly edit trac.ini in your Environment, using this recipe:
>> https://trac-hacks.org/wiki/CookBook/AccountManagerPluginConfiguration#HtPasswdStore
>> Info on editing trac.ini in Trac environment is found here:
>> https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracEnvironment
>> Let me know if it's still not clear.
>>> 4. I mean in any visit to a task, modify the output of the task domain 
>>> name are displayed, this is normal? Because of language problems, I may not 
>>> say, see my attached pictures.
>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-jSxdsV1rT84/WEeqXn3gETI/AAAAAAAAAHg/77MtheUQV0cf1dcQUKNho7o-X8qtp4qLgCLcB/s1600/screencapture-trac-idouzi-trac-idouzi-ticket-524-1481091438119.png>
>> The Modify section should be collapsed, as seen here:
>> https://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/12477
>> Make sure to do a hard refresh (SHIFT + F5) to clear the cache. If the 
>> problem persists, I suspect you'll find a JavaScript error in the console, 
>> and we'll probably need to solve those errors in order to get the 
>> JavaScript functionality on the ticket page working again.
>> Also, just to be sure, did you do this step to refresh static resources?
>> https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracUpgrade#a5.Refreshstaticresources
>> 5. Add a new question, why can't the comment on the task list now. Even 
>>> if it is my own content.
>> Do you mean, you cannot see how to Edit your comment? On hover, you 
>> should see the icons appear in the upper right corner of the comment. 
>> Perhaps they don't appear due to the JavaScript errors.
>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-eEyYY8-AY9A/WEetzlSXmQI/AAAAAAAAEDc/0yQodEeK_j8dcb_JjsEp5mKSDPVMcSuqgCLcB/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-12-06%2Bat%2B22.35.13.png>
>> - Ryan
> You help me find the source of the problem, but I disabled 
> "TracSectionEditPlugin 0.2.6.post0" plugin, I found some problems are 
> automatically resolved.
> The first, four, five issues have been automatically resolved, it seems 
> that JS is to blame.
> As for the third question I look at myself, fight for themselves to solve 
> it.
> The same I would like to add a question, I disabled yesterday, "" plug-in, 
> the task changes now no mail notification, I still want to use this 
> service, how to do?
> [notification]
> email_sender = HtmlNotificationSmtpEmailSender
> mime_encoding = base64
> smtp_enabled = enabled
> smtp_from = trac#xxx.com
> smtp_from_name = trac#xxx.com
> smtp_password = 123456
> smtp_port = 25
> smtp_server = smtp.exmail.qq.com
> smtp_user = trac#xxx.com
> use_tls = disabled
> [components]
> trac.ticket.notification.ticketattachmentnotifier = enabled
In Trac 1.2 you should disable AnnouncerPlugin and re-enable the default 
Trac notification system. With those configuration changes, it looks like 
TracHtmlNotificationPlugin should work with Trac 1.2.

If it's still not working for you, please share your entire [components] 
and [notification] sections. I assume what you shared are just excerpts. 

- Ryan

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