Maciej Szulik added the comment:


> I'm reconstructing because URL might contain fragment identifier/query 
> string. What do you think?

Doesn't matter, the parsed_url is just an object representation of that url.

>  I will change this. But, I will need to change this in all the patches that 
> I have submitted. 

Sorry, but yes please. And apply Berker's suggestion of not having github word 
in it, as well.

> I have added a 'state' field in issue590



> Issue 589 is a different feature and it should be discussed there (by the way 
> it would be really nice if you could give more information about the feature 
> and the patch -- I had to read the whole patch to understand what it does).

> The problem with this implementation is that I will need to go to 
> and paste a URL everytime I open a pull request on 
> GitHub. Instead of this manual step, Roundup should automatically look for 
> "Issue #NNNN" in all pull request titles and list all matched items by using 
> JavaScript on

It's exactly like David is saying. With issue 589 b.p.o is notified through 
github webhook of new events, such as PRs in which we parse the title and 
comment in search for bpoNNN and link the PR automatically. The idea of having 
a client side javascript assuming you have a gh opened in one tab and bpo in 
other doesn't seem right. I'm currently reviewing Anish all submissions from 
his GSoC and he'll soon create an extensive article describing all the things 
he has done. Anyway thanks for your time and review!

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