Time wise you might be right. I think the benefit of skipping the STS release would be that there is more time to backport critical driver/software pieces during the points at which Rubén would have been working on STS releases. It wouldn't bring out the LTS releases sooner though. In fact by my thinking the LTS releases would come out much later. That would provide more time to polish the LTS release.

I think there are other benefits to basing a distribution only off the LTS releases. This said I don't see any of this happening. Rubén said he was actually personally in favor of this idea although the problem with it is that there are a lot of people who would jump ship either way. Frequent releases brings in new users and helps 'market' it. Although that said I think the 'market' part could still be accomplished simply by releasing STS releases based on the LTS release + backports and still have the same 'marketing' effect.

How would skipping 12.10 even work? I don't think thats an option. I think Rubén said that wasn't going to happen either.

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