There resides the problem, you believe that "sharing" is good not matter what you are "sharing". But, if you are "sharing" something that has a license that says "You are forbid to share me", you are not "sharing", you are "illegaly sharing" which is no sharing at all, it's a break of the law, and it's a break of trust between you and the copyright holder, it's a dishonor to you yourself, it's an attack on copyright and by extension on GPL and Creative Commons, it's a BAD thing that will make a BAD world. Want laws to change? Fight for change instead of merely disobeying the law. That way law will never change, they will just fight you more and more. Want to "share"? Again, share your own creations, share content that has a license pro sharing, share Public Domain, but don't call "piracy", which conveys the right meaning because it is wrong, as "sharing", which is a good thing and in order to empower people to do so, GPL and CC (and others like BSD even if FSF won't accept that) were created. Really, you are a teacher, is it so hard to understand this? If the license says "dont' share" you are not sharing, you are "pirating". And if you want to "share", share things that have a license saying "share me". Also, reject the things with the bad license so they will stop existing. While you use them, one way or another, you are making the bad license keep existing.

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