Thanks For your help!

I stayed with the 3.10 kernel for now. Maybe upgrade to the 3.11 later.

I tried to keep the grub password, yeah, a nuisance but quirky, I like quirky.

But Magic Banana, I did your steps re grub a little out of order, my grub.conf file reads
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

and I did $ sudo update-grub
then rebooted and was right back into the 3.13 kernel with fat resolution.

So I rebooted again to the 3.10 kernel and made all lines of /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD start with "#" did the update-grub again rebooted and this time 3.10 kernel and proper resolution happened by default so it's good. I guess it's all dependent on a passwordless grub?

Since I have Fedora 21 and Centos 7 installed on the hard drive also, could I do grub-update while in either of those to have that grub would handle bootups after that?
I have no reason to do that, just wondering.

A more important question might be is grub needed in each OS?

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