@ SalmanMohammadi - I have come to the point that I feel that asking question here on this forum would only result in more trolling and accusations from that cat person "loldier" or whatever. I do have more questions, though if I am trolled when asking them, Ill just leave. This thread rapidly became nonsense and ad hom. Obviously there are no admin watching these threads, or if there are, they don't put trolls in check?

@ SuperTramp83 - I was afraid that you would say that. I was hoping to modify the ones that I have, rather than have to buy all new PCs. I do seek a wholly free system, but if at the end of the day I cannot get my PC to work with Trisquel, and I cannot buy another, what are the drawbacks of looking for the original drivers, and is that even an option while using Trisquel? What I want and what I have are two different things. What would happen if I got the non-free driver? Would that solve my overheating issue and bring me from 20% to 100%?

@ CalmStorm - Thank you for your kind words. I hope that we can get past the troll and childish post. What is your opinion of my question to SuperTramp83?

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