The sad thing is that these threads never get moved to the troll hole. I think there are no moderators on these forums beyond people putting too many '-1' votes on a comment, which is open to abuse and personal feuds arguably more than a defined moderation system. I don't know who the moderators are, maybe we should vote for some people to do this. At any rate most people are abiding by the rules, until we all get carried away (I got carried away admittedly) and start these extremely polarised discussions. Maybe it is a social experiment by Richard Stallman, fancying himself as a sort of benevolent Mark Zuckerberg, to see how internet minarchy plays out. Maybe after the impending nuclear apocalypse the internet will become entirely that, hosted by our benevolent robot masters who will arrive from outer space, guarding the last remenants of humanity to post unironic memes with Comic Sans fonts, and sharing those excessive Mukbang videos. I feel so bad now for writing all this polarised stuff if it is driving people away from the community. Come back folks! We should behave better.

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