Will you be releasing every single part of your hardware design as free software in the future?

Also, Will you be updating the speed of the processor in the future,

some people think libreboot x200 will be 2x faster than your hardware. I talked to someone in the chat yesterday who

thought you were putting people on. I want to believe that you are trustworthy. I will however say, your design looks extremely interesting regardless,

I like the idea of your hardware, and I bet it is free software friendly. But will it be free hardware someday and I mean, completely libre...

Also, how much do you plan to shoot for with regard to the 11 inch laptop when you succeed. (crowdfunding I mean.)

Sorry to bother you with these questions, but I want the success of this crowdfunding to be a good thing so...


All that aside, Make good use of everyones money if you succeed. :)

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