Learning Shell scripting by reading the manual is impressive! I would not recommend that approach. One can start with https://flossmanuals.net/command-line/ (but skip the "STANDARD FILES" section that should definitely be toward the end of "ADVANCED-ISH" or maybe even in "ADVANCED": certainly a "bug" in the manual). Then, to learn (almost) everything about Bash through examples: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/

Manuals enter the same category as software. They are functional: works are (indirectly) achieved through them.

In my opinion, GNU manuals are free as in freedom. They are under the GNU Free Documentation License... that allows invariant sections, which have non-functional content such as political statements (e.g. the "GNU Manifesto": the original reason for the invariant section clause). Those should not be modifiable. Debian disagrees: https://www.debian.org/vote/2006/vote_001.en.html#amendmenttexta

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