Preaching for ears that don't wish to hear is pointless. My girlfriend is well aware about the worries and the rots of Microsoft and yet she doesn't care. She used Ubuntu for sometime (I believed it would be easier for her to get used). She really liked it. Found it very easier to install the printer with gnu/linux, worked way better with Libreoffice and was very pleased with VLC, and all the torrenting thing (this all were new for her). She couldn't stay with that because the people she works with uses only Windows, and she was tired of fixing compatibilities problems and etc. So she asked me to install Win 7 again, for my tears. It have been like this for about four years.

I imagine this problem is a little more complicated with children. With all the fancy things that young ones will be exposed to in the feature, their little brains will not develop in the way of the free software, unless the kids are interested on digital freedom from themselves. Wouldn't it help if they watched the Snowden film? I doubt they would like to read thousands of words about the whole case. Another idea is to present em the onion web. Kids these days are all brainwashed by this "propaganda" about deepweb and how bad it is. Why don't show them that deepweb is far from being the bad thing people make up.

I'm not very good about education, but here you can clearly see the problem generated by the lack of free software teaching in the schools. If this were a main concern, such things wouldn't happen.

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