Another problem of a personal mail server is that the most common webmails might reject it as spam.
For other uses than email, a personal server is still a great idea.

Ah, right, the title isn't encrypted, I forgot.

Regarding privacy, security and reliability, encryption seems to still be the best best, in this regard a popular proprietary mailbox is actually fine, since communicating with one is virtually unavoidable.

I guess you're right: the true downside is having other people using it. For this: * I remember someone here suggesting to put links and GPG key in the email signature * A couple of tutorials were suggested to me. Roughly, it's about installing Thunderbird, a plugin, generating keys and using it. I wonder if building a special script/installer that does ALL of that would be a good idea. A one click install, regardless of the OS.

The other obstacle would be reading emails on other devices the easy way (yet safely enough). Even if configuring the same mailbox with GPG on Tails could be easy, no way most people would do it.

Last but not least, the argument that "if I do all of that, I'd be listed/targeted by the government, even more than we all are now. I would be standing out".
It's a bit tough to answer that, actually.

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