The repeated message was probably logged into /var/log/kern.log* and /var/log/syslog*. You can see the sizes of these files with the following command (you can use a graphical file manager too):
$ ls -lSh /var/log/kern.log* /var/log/syslog*
If they are indeed large and you do not think you will ever look at them (your past problems are past), remove them (otherwise, copy them somewhere else and then remove them):
$ sudo rm /var/log/kern.log* /var/log/syslog*
Other classical ways to save disk space on the root partition (i.e., the partition mounted at /):

Remove packages that are not needed anymore (dependencies of packages you removed): $ sudo apt-get autoremove Remove .deb packages (only drawback: you need to download the .deb package again to reinstall it): $ sudo apt-get clean Remove packages relating to older versions of the kernel (new versions of the kernel do not substitute older versions, unlike any other package) such as "linux-image-*", "linux-headers-*", ... with a version number that is not the largest (in the dictionary order: the leftmost dot-separated numbers are the most significant) or the second largest (for safety: if the latest kernel does not boot or is defective, you can boot the older one that raises no issue).

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