Hi Marco,

I apologize for the bad service that you received back then. Your laptop shipment was delayed back then, due to inefficient business practises at Minifree, which were: 1) I was the only person doing anything. I had no employees. And too many customers. 2) Inefficient workflows; manual invoicing (these days it's automated). Invoicing and accounting was literally the main bottleneck. both are now automated. The X200 in particular, which you bought, was very difficult to flash back then due to a bug in flashrom. This is now fixed, so if I were to sell the X200 again, I'd be able to flash one in about 10 minutes (back then, it was average 1-2 hours).

These days, I have 2 employees; my girlfriend, and my brother, both of whom work hard. As do I. Minifree's workflow is also vastly improved, with many routines automated.

For quite some time now, Minifree shipments have been very fast. I also reply to emails quickly.

I checked my business records for everyone named "Marco", and sure enough, I found an order in my logs which correlates with your report:
order date 3 May 2016
courier booked 14 july 2016 for collection 15 july 2016

You have claimed that I apologized for what I did regarding Libreboot's relationship with GNU, simply for monetary reasons. This is not true. Minifree's sales remained the same all throughout that period, and were in fact higher in April 2017 (when I apologized for what I did, publicly) than they were in September 2016 (when I did the thing that I later apologized for).

The reason I apologized publicly, is because I genuinely believe I made a mistake and because I truly regret hurting people the way I did. You can read that apology here:


Regarding your final comment, quote: "BTW. I would love to see the evidences of what you said the FSF did to your friend Leah."

I publicly admitted that I had no evidence, and apologized for it. I do know that someone was fired, but I no longer believe it was due to discrimination of any kind.

I'm quite happy to actually ship you a whole new replacement Libreboot X200. I have a reserve of these laptops in stock, precisely for the purposes of warranty repair.

I just want you to know, that I hold no hostile intentions towards you. Your complains are 100% reasonable; I screwed up your order. There is no justification for this.

However, you ordered your laptop more than a year ago. Since then, Minifree's practises have greatly improved. If someone else were to order from Minifree today, they would not have any problems.

For instance, the other day someone from the USA made an order, and their payment was received within the hour (Minifree uses a better payment service nowadays) and their laptop was shipped 1 hour after they placed the order. It got to them in 2 days.

This was very recent.


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