@marioxcc This is an interesting comment. It is valid to question authority, to say, 'hey, you are preaching but not practicing.'

Stallman put in his time. He has been writing free software for years, since the 70's. Like teams of people would write proprietary software and Stallman, alone, would write the free version. Freakin' awesome. Stallman now has carpal tunnel syndrome from typing on those oldschool keyboards for years and years. Also, he is getting up there in age. He can rest and preach a little. He has earned it. Further, if you know Stallman, he does not live a luxurious lifestyle. Do you see what he wears? Do you see the cars he drives? Despite the memes on-line, Stallman is not drowning in groupies. There are geeks who want to pick his brain, but that is the extent of it. Stallman lives a very simple life with a very simple computer, preaching free (as in Freedom) software. He could be making buckets of money at some corporation, but he chose otherwise. Now is the time for young people to take over the coding stuff, but Stallman can still be our Obi Wan.

Here is a bio on Stallman published by O'Reilly:
I think there is another bio out there too.
Read this too:

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