> Does that means that even if I get a libreboot PC, the PC still has a potential for be installed the backdoors? Not physical backdoors, via traffic. And even the free softwares are complex and bloated, probably full of bugs?

It just means that no software is perfect, and no hardware is perfect, so mistakes are bound to happen occasionally. We're only human, after all. :)

You don't need to take this as a sign of worry. The protection you can get is still quite good.

> I don't know well why you shill minifree and Ms.Rowe and why now. I don't like gossip. Hence I don't have interest in gossip mostly. I basically do not trust things which I see.

You're right that it's an advertisement, but it's an advertisement with a reasonable purpose: they sell freedom-respecting computers. So in the present moment, they're one of the best options. It's also an unpaid advertisement, though that's a minor point.

If you'd rather have a less biased source, that would be the FSF's resource:


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