>Does that means that even if I get a libreboot PC, the PC still has a potential for be installed the backdoors?

Yes, they still have 2 proprietary firmware (the hard drive and the embedded controller), if the laptop is going to be shipped to your location an adversary could simply intercept it, install a backdoor and you would never know. All modern CPUs (well, almost all - all Intel CPUS for sure) come with severe security flaws which can be solved only by redesigning the whole thing (look for meltdown and spectre). There could be more flaws which we are not aware of.

>And even the free softwares are complex and bloated, probably full of bugs?

Sure they are. Take a look at Firefox for instance, or pidgin (those two come to my mind right now).

>It is obscure about those "the" which are "The" hardware, and "The" software of your words ( I can't say well, but probably you get it ) . Does those "the" mean that free hardwares and softwares?

I don't understand what you mean.

>I don't know well why you shill minifree and Ms.Rowe and why now. I don't like gossip. Hence I don't have interest in gossip mostly. I basically do not trust things which I see.

By 'shill' I mean 'advertise', that is to say 'promote' or 'support'. It has nothing to do with gossip.

>I basically do not trust things which I see.

Strange. I don't trust things I don't see. Like god for instance.

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