Sure there is; doves and pigeons!

Although there's a chance nature might still loose your message
by actions of hawks and eagles.. although you could try to solve that by sending an armed drone as it's escort..

I guess relativity indicates 100% is impossible..

There's just no (hu)man-made product that functions in a way that it would exclude influences of other humans.. no human can build a vault that can not be cracked or hacked by other humans.. although sometimes it might take a few hundred years.. and then, there are ways to put it in such a process it would disintegrate/destroy/delete itself when opened the wrong way..

Maybe only send out message's you'd like everybody to read.. that would be a way.. no, it's still not safeguarded the intended way, but at least now you'll be happy when your message gets read by someone else than the intended receiver, maybe even address the possibility by writing something in it like:

Dear unintended reader, I am still so f-ing curious to, I get that you'd like to read message's not addressed to you; it wouldn't be the first time someone grew aware of a frame or plot against them by opening and reading a letter not meant for them, but, there is no such conspiracy to you from my end! So! When you're finished reading and have confirmed to your self enough, there is no such thing in this letter, or my life for that matter, please be so kind as to send this message through to the intended receiver!? Thank you dearly!

Haha, for real though: I hope ya had a good laugh!
I did when I read the question.. don't take that as making fun of/at the human posting the original post, in all honesty I really do think it is a legitimate question to ask..!!! It's just the 'unintended set-up' such a questions posses to whatever answers follow on it, that's where the humor takes over and I have a good laugh following because of it, not at it! So yeah; thanks for that!


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