I'm glad. You don't how many experts of various worlds have been ignored me. A few have courage. I have been thinking that it is born temperament. I don't want to think so though... But eigher way, it needs a lot of effort and particulary experience of tying to close death ( by Just oneself, like a big wave surfer. ) and many factors, I think. Probably you guys were being jealoused by many people... I don't like them ( moderate expression ) . But I don't want to divide them and us decisively. I want to believe their possibility. Maybe it is enough for us that we say just " I never betray you. " each other. And keep it until the end of the day. It is simple but very difficult, even for us. But if they can do it, they don't have to leave from e.g. a folum like here. This is the " do it yourself " . We can just do like

: You can do nothing about my computer, except encouraging me, educating me, questioning me about my security precautions. If you decide that I'm not secure enough, you can decline exchanging important emails with me. ( Although I guess there is a slight atmosphere of when one missed a shot of jest... I believe that has deep meaning as his usual way... But what is sewing? 誰か古株がツッコミ入れる所なんじゃないの? or was it my misreading? )

If I decide that they are not sincere enough, I decline to associate with them, because that is danger to us.

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