FWIW (not that I owe anyone an explanation): this website was made on a quick notice, using a ready made template.

Yet you took the time to subscribe to Google Analytics and to add their proprietary JavaScript to your website.

The majority of the visitors are using Mac OSX, Windows, Google Chrome, (not hardened) Firefox, Android and iPhone to browse it, so by visiting this particular site they are surely not more or less exposed than they otherwise are.

You really love the perfect solution fallacy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirvana_fallacy#Perfect_solution_fallacy

So, because you believe Microsoft or Apple or ... (for users of GNU/Linux... there is still Spectre... and the cables are owned anyway!) already tracks the visitors of your website, it would somehow be OK to make them automatically download and execute proprietary JavaScript that only aims to track them with the help of Google!

Well, no.  That is just disgusting.

Regardless of that there will be a new version of the site which will come online when it is ready.

"The baby is infected and is infecting the other babies, including the favorite baby. (...) When one sees that the house is burning one doesn't sit and discuss - one acts instantly": https://trisquel.info/forum/pretty-new#comment-128408

That is just taking one of your posts. In this thread. Most of your threads are similar: blaming the FSF, Mozilla, etc. for minor (if not non-existing) issues such as a *disabled* telemetry component. But, somehow, you should not be criticized for *enabled* Google Analytics on your website. Something you could disable in literally one minute.

I removed your page from my site. I would hate to be accused of steering people to Google Analytics! As expected, you consider at the same time that not asking "you[r] permission to copy anything from [your] site" is unethical but that sharing my code under the terms of the GNU GPLv3+ "is not a moral stance but a serious mental disorder".

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