> Absolutely agree 100% Librem is not free hardware.

AFAIK no laptop consists of completely free hardware. Libreboot is a free BIOS. 
Having a free BIOS is important but does not make all of the hardware in the 
laptop free. However, the OP says they want "as free as possible" at this time, 
which is why librebooted ThinkPads and EOMA68 are an option and Librem isn't.

> I am curious why Tehnoetic's tct doesn't have that in his avatar.


> gnome 3 in my opinion sucks.
> And for those who don't know, I am not saying due to its
> requirements. It is more because it is clunky and overcomplicated.

By requirements do you mean systemd? I recall you saying once that systemd is a 
dependency of GNOME 3, which doesn't make sense to me since it is included in 
GuixSD, which uses GNU Shepherd as its init systemd.

I don't like GNOME 3 either, though. It seems like it is designed for use on a 
tablet, and I think it would work very well for that. The fact that everything 
can be accessed by pressing Super would be very helpful for a device with one 
button. It's not necessarily the best design for desktop use though. One good 
thing about it is that it seems to be intuitive to Mac users, which makes it 
easier for them to migrate to GNU/Linux. Unfortunately, it does not work well 
with the free driver for their Macbook's GPU. One of my friends ended up 
installing the proprietary Nvidia driver to make the DE more usable. I wish 
there were a "software rendering" version of GNOME like there is for Cinnamon. 

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