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Well done Mike,                             April 7/'11

Well done on your persistance, and seeking of truth.  Truth can come from
many sources, but we should seek to plug into it.  I worried some about you,
as I haven't heard from you for awhile.  I know you can make it, since you
continue to persist.  All spiritual people are still kicking in the
graveyard of the long lost (quite paraphrased from LRH).  I feel like a
broken piece trying to help another broken piece.  It's a bit embarassing
and shameful to me.

It's been quiet on TROMlist, and then we got to a bout of talking about
writing a simplified manual of TROM.  My latest agreement is with HappyHarry
about writing study aids, but not changing or adding to the original
manual.  I think that is the maximum win for all concerned.

I'd like to get off a withold on not helping you as much as I'd like to.
I've been slightly overwhelmed myself, and look forward to finishing level 4
someday sooner, so the overwhelm becomes just so much passe/not important.
It's all noise and drama anyway;  it is quite entertaining isn't it?  Just
like we were doing a stage play at our high school.  I guess minimumly, we
should enjoy the show.
At risk of sounding foolish, or hypocritical, may I say that I wish you to
stay in regular contact with us.  If we maintain comm, we can lick this
physical problem of yours somehow.  I believe you have friends here
postulating for your well being.  I DECIDED THAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET

your friend,
Aarre Peltomaa
(647) 202-2767

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Mickel <mickel1...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
>  Hi to Everyone
> As I have previously mentioned in past messages I am recovering from a
> major break down in a part of my body, it has taken many months to get back
> on my feet again and start to feel somewhat normal.
> In that time I have been too weak to use TROM so have used other methods to
> try and get back to good health again.
> It has always been my intention to get an understanding of how the mind
> works, this comes from powerful postulates I made as a young child due to
> some very strange experiences I was having at the time and very odd pictures
> or scenes I was seeing in my mind.
> Anyway, today I started studying TROM again just the first page, reading
> each sentence over and over again.
> Thinking up examples in real life and seeing how what I was reading applied
> to me and life.
> An interesting thing began to happen I started to get lots of scenes from
> the past show up to do with how others enforced their postulates on me (I
> haven't got around to seeing how I enforced my postulates on others yet),
> and I ended up with an interesting incident which may show you the power of
> someone enforcing something on a person at an early age.
> This incident took place at the age of 4 years old, ( I have a very good
> long term memory and a very bad short term memory).
> This took place at the dinner table and my Aunt happened to be visiting, I
> can't remember what I said but I can remember that it concerns me asking for
> the salt.
> What I can remember is my Aunt saying "Say Please!" like that over and
> over, I remember freezing and going solid, enormous charge on it, unable to
> move or speak.
> If the situation had been explained to me in a nice manner such as being
> told that when you ask someone for something such as the salt in this
> incident you say thankyou then no charge would have occurred.
> This early incident I can relate to many later incidents in my life and my
> attitude towards people or situations for instance, if someone orders me to
> do something in a hard manner I promise you that in someway overtly or
> covertly I will mess them up in someway or blow them out completely (Get rid
> of them), I have always been like that but ask me nicely, no problem.
> For me to try explain everything I became aware of while studying the first
> page of TROM would take up too much space but there is a nice incident to
> timebreak out and see more data about it as to why so much charge is on what
> appears to be a fairly simple incident.
> I am going to have to clay demo out some of these postulate structures and
> so on in TROM, it's going to be hard work to get it completely, but number
> of times over the materials equals certainty and results, Conceptual
> understanding is what I am after now.
> Best
> Mike
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