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Ok, Next chapter in first aid is the touch assist.  This one come in handy or a 
regular basis while working.

Keep on TROMing
Pete McLaughlin

As always the full book in PDF  and Kindle formats is available at:

Take conscious control of the situation or help the other take conscious 
control of the situation if it is their injury that you are helping with 

Do this first 
1. Put the body in exactly the same position as it was when it was hurt--e.g. 
if you bumped your leg on a piece of furniture, put the spot on your leg that 
was hurt back in touch with the spot on the furniture, but gently this time! 
(Turn off and cool down any stove, radiator, power tool etc. that was 
instrumental in causing the injury). 
2. Take it away. 
3. Repeat 1. and 2. many times (the pain may get a little worse before getting 
much less) 

The reduction of pain from this procedure is due to the following facts. We 
tend to withdraw our attention from an area of pain, which leaves the pain 
"stored away", prolonging it and causing future problems. 

Additional relief 
1. Touch with the finger, various spots around the wounded area, allowing each 
"touch" to be felt. (If you are doing this for someone else get them to close 
their eyes and to let you know when they feel your finger each time.) 
2. Treat each side of the body. So if the left leg is injured, touch a spot on 
the right leg (and make sure it has been felt), and then touch the same spot on 
the left leg. Right leg, left leg, right leg, left leg, on so on, each time a 
different spot around the injury. 
3. Gradually get closer to the injured area until you are touching it. If the 
skin is broken, or stitches are required, get the medical work done, or cover 
with a dressing as appropriate before touching the wound itself. 
4. Continue touching around the area, to and from the area, until there is a 
marked improvement for the person. 

If the person is still obviously emotionally distressed, see "UNWANTED EMOTION" 

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