Hi Izzy,
Slade was the facilitator at that congregation. His official "title" was Ra'ah which means Shepherd. It's still up and running and growing as a matter of fact. He just oversees it now; someone else leads.
Florida is very warm, but we have friends and family down here. We're attending an excellent Messianic Congregation lead by Rav John Fischer. It's so nice to be back in fellowship again with like-minded Believers who have similar services to what we had at Am Echad in Wisconsin. And we don't have to do the leading, to boot!!
Slade got a job as soon as we got down (a good paying one, too!) and I've been offered quite a position doing family advocacy. The blessings are so numerous...we MUST be in the right place! Slade begins seminary the end of the month; our house is great, we have family close by, numerous friends; basically it's good to be home.
Slade said we're like 100 miles from the Miller's.
How are things by you?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, 03 August, 2003 08:37
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

Slade, Were you the facilitator?  How's Florida? I bet you aren't far from the Millers. Izzy
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Slade Henson
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

The best organized experience I had was in a home church as well... in Wisconsin. We had a "facilitator" who helped keep us on track and who would study the passage before hand and have a number of small topics to discuss, but we all would take turns reading the passage aloud together (we followed the Rabbinical Torah cycle) and openly discuss it. It was kosher for one to interrupt the person reading a passage so we could discuss a verse or passage immediately, as opposed to waiting until the whole portion was read (because we had many who would forget their questions or comments).

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, 01 August, 2003 08:01
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

Our church has no pastor.  Many home churches have no pastor.  The church at Antioch of Pisidia had no pastor.  We are ALL priests.  Remember reading that?  We are led by the Holy Spirit.
You can do it man's way, or you can do it the Lord's way.  I have tried both.  The Lord's way is better.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 5:45 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

But I’m not a qualified pastor.  J Izzy


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 11:42 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches


Izzy, you say home churches are hard to find...but I'll bet there'sone in your living room just waiting for you and your friends to attend!

>From: "ShieldsFamily"





>Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

>Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500


>Bruce, regretfully we seem to have gotten off the issue of home churches.

>To me they are the ideal, but not easy to find (impossible?). So many "home

>churches" are run by kooks (I won't mention the one I have in mind at this

>moment, but you know who he is!), making it hard to discern whether it is

>even safe to try one out.




> Meantime, I think it is better to worship in an organized setting than not

>at all. It isn't all bad, either--lots of good stuff happening! We worship

>at a non-denom on Sunday, and a Messianic synagogue on Saturday. Do you

>think it was wrong of Jews to have temples (other than the one in

>Jerusalem?). Do you think they should have confined themselves to home

>churches? Don't you think the Original, 1st Century Believers worshipped in

>temples/synagogues? Izzy




>-----Original Message-----


>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce Woodford

>Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM


>Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches




>Hi Laura,




>You wrote:"Believe me if my church taught false doctrine I'd be looking for



>another place to worship."




>Dear Sister, does your church teach and practice:


>-that the church is to be lead by the pastor?


>-that the pastor is hired and paid by the church?


>-that the church building is to be maintained from the collection which


>scripture says is to be for poor saints?


>-that believers are to tithe to support the pastor and the church programs?


>-that in regular church gatherings the congregation is to be silent and


>listen to sermons from the pastor?


>-that church members are to be accountable to the pastor or other church






>If any of these doctrines are believed and taught in your church, there is


>very prominent false doctrine. (All of these practices are not only


>unscriptural, they are contrary to scripture!)




>The church is to be lead by Christ, the Head.


>Shepherds are never hired, paid nor fired by the sheep! Shepherds are


>appointed by the Owner of the sheep and their needs are met as they labour


>with their own hands. Acts 20:28-35




>New covenant saints have no sanctified buildings to maintain! Collections


>are for poor saints. I Cor.16:1,2 and II Cor.8 and 9




>Tithing has absolutely nothing to do with new covenant saints or new


>covenant churches!




>When new covenant saints assemble together they are NOT to be silent, but


>are rather to provoke one another to love and to good works, they are to


>exhort one another, they are to edify one another etc. Heb.10:24,25




>All believers are accountable to God alone for their assignments and for the



>evaluation of their service. Rom.14:12. Even those who lead are


>accountable to God and must give account to Him. Heb.13:17




>But sister, please do not go looking for another "place"!!!! We are not


>called to find a "place"! Old covenant woship HAD to be in the right PLACE


>because God put His name in ONE PLACE and if you didn't worship there you


>were in the wrong PLACE!




>But new covenant worship is not in places. God no longer dwells in temples


>made with hands. He now dwells in PERSONS. He dwells in His people and they



>dwell in Him! Christians do not GO TO CHURCH, we ARE THE CHURCH where ever


>we go! Our responsibilility is to recognize other believers and build


>relationships with each other in our normal activities and normal gathering


>places. That is why new covenant believers gathered in homes! There was a


>church in Aquila and Priscilla's home, a church in Philemon's home, a church



>in Nymphas' home, prayer meetings in homes, breaking bread from house to


>house etc etc.




>Far better to simply look for other believers who live within a few blocks


>of your home (or if you live in the country- within a few miles of your


>home) and seek to build relationships with them. Pray with them, eat with


>them, sing with them, encourage each other in the Word, when you find some


>among them who are in need, give to them. " By this shall all men know that


>ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another."




>The hallmark of new covenant ministry of saints is reciprocal "one


>anothering"! Loving one another, praying for one another, confessing faults



>one to another, edifying one another, exhorting one another, bear one


>another's burdens etc etc.




>Your brother in Christ,








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>how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)





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