I haven't been able to follow this closely or ponder what all of you have contributed
so please noone take offense. Isn't it true that ignorance is also a form of knowledge?
Paul told the Galatians who had gone back to the ritual of keeping the law
that they had been bewitched, so what is new under the sun?  Jesus said there
is just one way to the Father and that way is through Him. If there is another
way by the law of Moses He would have mentioned it.  The law is holy but was
given as a schoolmaster to bring one to Christ and in Him we find everything
pertaining to life and godliness.
The sabbath issue is addressed in Hebrews 4:9-11. We are to strive to enter into
this rest - it does not refer to attending a public meeting place on a Saturday or
a Sunday. The first principle of life in Christ is to repent from dead works so that
we may serve the living God.
Grace and Peace,
On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 10:57:10 -0500 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
so true.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, 31 October, 2003 18:38
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Something To Ponder

Slade, You are correct in saying that doing whatever is right in our own eyes is not doing what the Lord leads you to do. I am not saying that whatever turns you on is what the Lord leads you to do.  I am saying that if the Lord (really) leads you to do something, it will be scripturally correct.  I am not going to argue with folks who just want to argue the same old points repeatedly. And if they are wrong, but still think it is what the Lord leads them to do, I am not going to be able to convince them otherwise by arguing.  I am willing to state what I believe; I am willing to listen to what other people believe; and I am ever ready to re-evaluate my position if necessary.  However, I am not willing to listen to folks who aren’t also listening to me. Izzy


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Slade Henson
Friday, October 31, 2003 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Something To Ponder



I have an even more orthodox perspective which causes problems (doctrinally) between me and the average Christian. I see the whole of the commandments given to us by Moses as alive and well. There are some we cannot do because we lost the Temple because of our disobedience.


You said, "I say you must do whatever the Lord leads you to do." In response to that, I give the following verse: Judges 21:25.



Michael D: Can you see how this conflicts with your statement that a person has to do what God tells him (conscience) re sabbath keeping? If God never voided the Sabbath, then our conscience would not come into the picture, would it? It is the fact that He voided it that makes it optional/conscience-based. Can you agree with that?


A command is optional whether it is commanded or not because we are beings created with free will (by the way, I do not want to create a thread discussing the philosophy of free will vs. predestination). Some consciences have been seared against the commandments (because of judicial interpretations of Scripture) while some consciences are swayed to keep the commandments. In either case, conscience comes into play; it controls wither we obey or disregard the commandment. There is nothing in this statement I can agree with. Are you a post-modern thinker?





----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, 30 October, 2003 16:57

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Something To Ponder


Michael D, I respond to people who say “We only need to keep 9 of the 10 Commandments” by saying that God never cancelled Commandment #4. You need to give me the scripture showing that the Sabbath has been voided and cancelled by the Lord if you want to argue that point.  If I am led by the Spirit to observe Sabbath, and scripture also says I should keep Sabbath, and scripture shows that Jesus and the disciples kept Sabbath, then what is your problem??????? AGAIN, I say you must do whatever the Lord leads you to do.  And don’t bug me for doing what I must do. J



-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of michael douglas
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 11:32 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Something To Ponder


ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Michael D wrote : As you know Iz, I do not disagree with the above statement. It's the notion that this is a requirement for all believers that I, and others, are trying to show is contrary to the word of God.


Izzy wrote:

Michael, You have to do whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to do. 

If you want to disregard the 4th commandment, that is between the two of you.

If you don’t think you have replaced Sabbath rest with Sunday rest, that is up to your own conscience.  

 I must do what the Lord has put on my heart. 

Obviously, Michael, you are not heeeeeearing meeeee…….

Michael D: Iz, I think I am understanding you, but it does seem that somehow we are missing each other. Let me reiterate that I agree with you that Sabbath keeping is a thing of conscience. Rest assured I have no problem with that whatsoever.

You have said on different occasions, though, that you believe that everyone needs to keep the sabbath commandment along with the other nine (if I remember correctly). Others on TT have emphasized this as well. That is what I am trying to indicate is contradicted by the scripture that declares that the Holy Ghost said don't command the Gentiles to keep the law. Can you understand the point I am trying to make, Izzy?

Izzy Posted:

Just as satan has blinded the Jews to Messiah Yeshua, satan has blinded the church to Torah’s eternal truths. Repentance for our ignorance and unbelief is needed on both sides.  Then Israel will be restored, and Messiah will return. Maranatha!!!

Izzy wrote: Before you have a stroke, let me re-iterate: We are not saved by obedience to Torah.  We are not saved by abstinence from sin.  We are saved only by faith in the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus! But we express our faith through obedience to His Word, as faith without works is dead. 

The more God leads us into a love of His Word, the more blessed we are! Conversely, the more one distains His word, the more one expresses unbelief/ignorance.

In reading your many posts on this topic, you tend to fluctuate between requiring obedience to the Sabbath commandment as part of God's word and law,  and  obedience to one's conscience re the Sabbath. (See below).




Those who attempt to obtain salvation by the obeying the Law are “under the law”.  I am not.  I do, however, choose to be obedient to the commandment of resting on the Sabbath.  God never voided the Sabbath. 


Michael D: Can you see how this conflicts with your statement that a person has to do what God tells him (conscience) re sabbath keeping? If God never voided the Sabbath, then our conscience would not come into the picture, would it? It is the fact that He voided it that makes it optional/conscience-based. Can you agree with that?

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