----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/2/2003 8:02:56 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Something To Ponder

Someone writes:
The children of the flesh are represented by Abraham and
the children of the spirit are represented by Isaac-who
we are grafted into the vine/olive tree by. Those of Abraham
are cast out we are grafted in.Look at Gal.4:21-31
The focus of Gal 4:21-31 is neither Isaac nor Ishmael.
The focus is "the promise" which is Christ Himself and yes,
the promise is in the spirit and not after the flesh. He is the
vine and those of us "in Him" are the branches.
How did this get so complicated?
Dean writes:
It is only complicated by those whom don't want to keep Gods commandments-To us his commandments are a joy for they are a part of who God is-His likes and his dislikes-His personality.From this light it is simple.



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