I wonder if Lot was one even ABLE to preach. Look at the testimony provided by Scripture...
  • His willingness to have his daughters violated (yes... I understand the concept of hospitality and visitors from an Old-Eastern perspective, but he had other choices available)
  • His son-in-laws did not believe his testimony
  • His unwillingness to leave Sodom when told of its imminent destruction
  • He wanted to remain in a city environment in spite of the warning from the Visitors
  • He had drunken relations with both his daughters
This, of course, said in lieu of his (assumably) being the single righteous man in Sodom. (Perhaps the reason he was liberated from annihilation is that he was related to Avraham.)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, 19 November, 2003 18:57
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Did Lot preach to Sodom?

Where do you find in scripture that Lot preached in Sodom?
He chose it because it was a well watered plain and it was probably going downhill
then.  I know scripture teaches that Noah preached to his generation - but Lot?
On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 17:43:30 -0600 (Central Standard Time) "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 I will be checking out e-sword tonight, right after I find a t-shirt that I can afford.  (Lot preached in Sodom PRIOR to the instructions
 given by Jesus.)
Thanks for the help.
Dean Writes:
Thank you Terry-Adam Clark wrote a commentary in the form of a book but I got this from E-Sword-a free commentary download site(it's loaded)-which comes with a great program for assemble the programs together-D. Miller showed me where to find this. Punch in e-Sword for a web search and you have it Bro.Let me know it there are any problems.
But God sent Lot too preached in Sodom :-)

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