DAVEH: Do you really consider me to be a (false) prophet, Dean? Or do
you keep me more at the (false) teacher level? As you know, I have never
claimed to be a prophet, nor do I want anybody to think I am such. I
don't  even consider myself being a  teacher, and I don't quite understand why TT folks think I am (falsely)  teaching on TT.

It does not matter what you consider yourself to be. Act 13:45 But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.


Blaine Borrowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 4:43 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] False Teachers

> > >Terry wrote:
> > > Maybe some day, Dave Hansen will see the light,
> > > > because he finally saw Jesus in David Miller. He sure won't see it
> from
> > > > Blaine, et al.
**Blaine writes: Perhaps I should not speak for him, but in my humble
opinion DaveH has no need to get anything from me--he does quite well by
himself. His testimony is pretty well fixed--like the rock of Gibralter, I
would say. I think he does have a genuine concern for you believers in
Traditional Christian BS (Belief System), however, and hopes to gain enough
insight into your HIGHLY varied beliefs to help you out of your ruts (:>)
If he preaches Mormonism at all, it is by default--it is impossible to
discuss religion without one's own beliefs entering the picture.

If he persists in his beliefs and never comes by
> faith to
> > > > salvation, it will cost us nothing, but if he is saved, we have
> gained a
> > > > brother.
> > >
> > > Dean writes:
> > > To have a false prophet in you mist will cost more than you
> is
> > > why the bible puts the warnings to avoid such people.
> > > Romans 16:17
> >
> > DAVEH: Do you really consider me to be a (false) prophet, Dean? Or do
> you keep me more at the (false) teacher level? As you know, I have never
> claimed to be a prophet, nor do I want anybody to think I am such. I
> even consider myself being a
> > teacher, and I don't quite understand why TT folks think I am (falsely)
> teaching on TT.
> Dean writes:
> DaveH I consider there to be no difference between a false teachers and a
> false prophet-not did the early scholars. The words you teach are the same
> as a false prophet. You are speaking of different heavens /different
> hell/different judgement to come and a different Jesus-Many of these are
> future event-future predictions. Therefore you qualify as one.The one you
> promote (Joe. Smith) also gave future predictions that failed to come
> true-that puts him in this category of false prophet and due to the fact
> that you speak his words there is no difference-you and him are one in
> purpose and words-you and him are the same.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > As I see it, I have offered my opinion on what I think the Bible
> about certain doctrines. And I have answered questions regarding my (LDS)
> beliefs. Mainly I have been quizzing TTers like yourself as to what
> they/you believe and why. So how
> > does my curiosity make me a teacher in your eyes???
> Dean writes:
> I see far more than just curiosity with your teachings-You are promoting
> Mormonism and are trying to add to you church.You believe in Mormonism and
> have a hope some/all here will except your beliefs as truth and you want
> be accepted as a christian.In doing so you are serving you master as we
> serving ours. You are very careful in you speech that is why you keep
> asking the same questions over and over again-questions are safe and can
> lead others into mistakes. Questions don't always reveal truth-they
> question truth but the answers are never heard by you. How many times have
> you asked me this very same question.Ten? Twenty? perhaps more?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------
> >
> > BTW.....Related to this, do you feel I have been trying to convert
> TTers to Mormonism?
> Dean writes:
> Yes-with out a doubt ( That was the reason you sent me the Book of
> Mormon)-the only difference you are going about it a lot slower then we
> are-you word/style indicate that are a very patient man with hope of long
> term gain.The kindness you offer -even to me- has/is effective and
> appreciated by Christians and in time you will/have convert some on this
> list to your way of thinking to different degrees.Most may never fully
> convert but the corruption will/is still be present never the less. Beware
> of those that come in sheep clothing Every time I return I see gain on
> part-the old saying that it is easier to catch flied with honey then
> vinegar has truth in it. I don't offer honey I offer truth as told in
> word.So in the sort term you will win this debate as my truth will always
> be at an disadvantage in this world-for the whole will/must hate
> me.Therefore logic will dictate that this world will love you and hear
> not me. With this in mind-I know that God will draw out his number for it
> is foretold that His number will be complete.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
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