DAVEH wrote:
> I may be misunderstanding you, Dean.....Are you saying 
> God created mortal beings specifically for the purpose 
> of being burned in hell to glorify Himself???  That 
> to me seems to portray him as a dictatorial tyrant,
> and I would find it hard to think any Christian could 
> believes their God of love would be so cruel.  Do other
> TTers view God in this way???  And, is the attitude 
> Jeff found in the Baptist preacher commonly believed 
> by Baptists and other Protestants?

Dave, Protestants are broadly divided over this issue, and even the
Baptists are divided along these lines.  There are "Reformed Baptists"
which are Calvinists, but many Baptists are more Arminian.  You might be
interested in checking out www.aomin.org as an example of a modern
Reformed Baptist by the name of James White.  He is a Calvinist who
likes to debate and he has been going to Salt Lake City for 20 years now
passing out tracts at the LDS General Conferences.  He has many articles
about Mormonism on his website and agrees with you that Street Preachers
are hurting Christianity. :-)

The viewpoint Jeff mentions coming from this Baptist sounds like classic
Calvinism.  To many Protestants who are more Arminian in their
viewpoint, you will find objections to what the Baptist said.  However,
among the Reformed Protestants who follow the theology of Calvin, you
will find many amen's.  These "amen's" would be especially prominent
among Reformed Baptists and Presbyterians.

You might want to note that the Calvinists are divided into two camps
themselves, called supralapsarians and infralapsarians.  The
supralapsarians believe that before the world began, God first rejected
the reprobates out of His sovereign good pleasure, then ordained the
means of their damnation through the fall.  I agree with you that such
is a VERY distasteful viewpoint of God.  :-)  I suspect the Baptist Jeff
met is of this variety.  The infralapsarian Calvinists see the non-elect
as fallen individuals damned solely because of their own sin.  They
emphasize their non-election as resulting from a "passing over" during
the election process.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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