Judy  wrote:  > jt: If it's so simple why do you not explain it in a simple way?
> My Bible says that Passover was 13th thru 14th of Nisan and
> Bible notes say that Nisan could be March or April. So which of
> those two months was it in 33AD?  In 2004 my calender says
> full moon is 5th March and 6th April. Since Nisan is either of
> these months there will not be a full moon on 13th thru 14th
> of Nisan this year or am I missing something?
Blaine:  You are missiing the  facts that 1)  the moon takes an average of 30 calendar days to complete a cycle, from new moon,  to full moon, back to new moon again;  2) the Jewish month ALWAYS begins with the new moon;  3)  starting with the new moon phase as day 1, the moon will reach full phase about half-way through its cycle of thirty days; and 4)  the Passover begins on 14 Nisan--14 days after the new moon, or about half way through its cycle, which means the moon will have reached full phase (barely) at that time;  and 5) a moon phase typically last about 3 days, which means on the Jewish calendar it would be at full phase on the 14, 15 and 16 Nisan.  OK?  (It was probably still at full phase on the day of the Lord's resurrection, 16 Nisan.) 
----- Original Message -----
From: "Judy Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 1:55 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] illusion? theory? theology? FAITH

> From: "David Miller" <
> Judy wrote: I say Jesus did not have the same fallen nature
>  as the rest of us because this is the teaching of scripture.
> dm: I beg to differ with you here.  The Scriptures teach that he had the
> same flesh as the rest of us, being born of the seed of David and the
> seed of Abraham. 
> jt: He came in the "likeness" of man and when he returns hopefully
> he will find us in "his likeness or image" This does not say that he
> is us or that we are him.
> dm I've already posted all the Scriptures for you, but you just
> ignore them
> jt: I didn't ignore them, I read them but believe you are reading
> into the text something that is not there.
> dm: just like you ignore the simple calendar posts that lets us
> know that there was a full moon when the Lord was in the garden.
> jt: If it's so simple why do you not explain it in a simple way?
> My Bible says that Passover was 13th thru 14th of Nisan and
> Bible notes say that Nisan could be March or April. So which of
> those two months was it in 33AD?  In 2004 my calender says
> full moon is 5th March and 6th April. Since Nisan is either of
> these months there will not be a full moon on 13th thru 14th
> of Nisan this year or am I missing something?
> Judy wrote:
> > He came forth from God (by his own testimony) and
> > was holy from the time of his birth.  Why is it so
> > difficult to believe that God is able to create a
> > holy child in the womb of Mary? this in no way
> > detracts from the fact that he was born of the
> > woman.
> dm: I believe that Jesus was holy.  Why is it so hard for you
> to believe that Jesus could be related to Adam like the rest of
> us and yet be holy?
> jt:
> Because he would not have been born holy, he would have
> been part of the fallen human race and ineligible to be the
> perfect sacrifice. His blood would have the taint of sin.
> dm: This in no way detracts from the fact that he was
> the son of God.
> jt: You may not see it but yes it does because if he was born
> with a carnal nature like ours he would have needed someone
> to sacrifice for him - as Job (a righteous man) said "who can
> bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. (Job 14:4).
> judyt
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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