\o/ !HALALUYah! \o/
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
Smithsonian, eh?  If there's one thing that sticks out like a VERY sore thumb in all my years of investigative research, it is that the "recognized" authorities are not nearly so smart OR reputable as they are made out to be.
So, Kevin says, "There are NO Inscriptions of any Old world form in the US excepting Norse rune stones in Greenland" and cites the Smithsonian as his "authority"?
Hmmm ...
A Smithsonian expedition in the 19th century discovered a rock with an inscription of unknown language or origin.
More than 30 years ago another authority discovered that this inscription was ancient Hebrew virtually unknown until very modern history.  This script was unknown to the Smithsonian "experts" in the 19th century -- and apparently they are STILL not up to speed.  The inscription said "for Judea".
Less than 20 years ago carbon dating indicated first century origin.
So where does the Smithsonian keep this find?  Out of sight in a back room at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C.  Apparently it is so out of sight that even the Smithsonian doesn't know it is there ... or maybe they just don't want anyone knowing about it.
But if y'all want to deny TRUTH ... well ... it won't be the first time ... SOP I would say ... and wasn't it Judas Iscariot that was involved Scripturally with SOP?
Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
Chris Barr
a servant of YHVH
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 03/11/2004 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Old hebrew Coins found in Kentucky?

synopsis of #8 Reports of findings of ancient egyptian, Hebrew etc.
have frequently appeared in news accounts, books
NONE of these claims has stood up to inspection
There are NO Inscriptions of any Old world form in the US excepting Norse rune stones in Greenland
For decades, the Mormon Church kept a large collection of the artifacts in its Salt Lake City museum, but never formally claimed them to be genuine.
"It is arguably the largest archaeological fraud ever in this country, and the longest running," Halsey said.
Museum Walls Proclaim Fraud of Mormon Prophet
To make very clear just how great a hoax the Mormon prophet perpetrated upon his people, it was only necessary to gain a slight knowledge of the use the Egyptians made of their funeral papyri.
"It is difficult to deal seriously with Joseph Smith's impudent fraud," wrote Dr. A. H. Sayce of Oxford University. "The fac simile from the Book of Abraham No. 2 is an ordinary hypocephalus, but the hieroglyphics upon it have been copied so ignorantly that hardly one of them is correct. I need scarcely say that Kolob, &c., are unknown to the Egyptian language. Smith has turned the goddess Isis into a king and Osiris into Abraham."
   "A Figaro of nonsense," was the way Dr. Arthur Mace, Assistant Curator of the Metropolitan Museum, who is now in Egypt, summed up the Mormon translations.

1. No 'Book of Mormon' cities have been located.

2. No 'Book of Mormon' names have been found in New World inscriptions.

3. No genuine inscriptions have been found in Hebrew.

4. No genuine inscriptions have been found in Egyptian or anything similar to Egyptian, which could correspond to Joseph Smith's "Reformed Egyptian."

5. No ancient copies of 'Book of Mormon' scriptures have been found.

6. No ancient inscriptions of any kind which indicate that the ancient inhabitants had Hebrew or Christian beliefs - all are pagan.

7. No mention of 'Book of Mormon' persons, nations, or places have been found.

8. No artifact of any kind which demonstrates the 'Book of Mormon' is true has been found.

9. Rather than finding supportive evidence, Mormon scholars have been forced to retreat from traditional interpretations of 'Book of Mormon' statements (For an example of this, see the latter portion of this pamphlet on the location of Cumorah).


The ancient people were great seafarers, much better than current
history texts indicate. In America alone, people have found ancient
Celtic ogum script, Viking writings, and various others which I can't
remember. My point is that, even if there is a monolith (megalith?) with
the ten commandments, that would indicate that there was probably some
Hebrew or Hebrews on that site in ancient times. That does not
necessarily mean they were of the ten lost tribes (which we know were not
really lost). In my sometimes humble opinion, any such an artifact most
likely came from Hebrews who sailed with the Phoenicians or Egyptians or
some of the other ancient mariners, some of which are mentioned in the ot
as being trading partners with Israel during its brief period of empire /
hegemony over nearby lands.

vincent j fulton

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 23:19:20 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Good job, vince, I am saving most of this information.

To our Mormon buds, I re-ask a question. Someone posted the notion that
that there is some stone in Mexico with the ten commandments written on
it and so on. Is that just a fantasy to be accpted without proof or is
there some supporting evidence.

AND are you aware of the Smithsonian conclusion about the archeology of
the New World and the Bofm?

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