Sherrie, I am so sorry for your loss. Know this (I know you do) that your
daughter is safely in the arms of Jesus. God bless you and comfort you and
strengthen you. I love you,

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 5:39 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Calvinism

> Hi David,
> Below is the entire sentence Bill sent.
> Your reply to this appalls me.
> You say you think you can think of worse losses.  I can't.  I've lost a
> You say you are getting a little nervous when you hear such superlatives
> thrown around.
> You say such usually indicates excessive emotion and hyperbole is expected
> shortly..:-)
> There weren't enough superlatives to describe what I felt when I lost my
> daughter and I don't believe the emotions I felt during that time were an
> exaggeration.
> I cannot imagine a greater loss.
> Bill's words do speak healing to my soul.  Very, very much so.
> It might be wise to think about comments before you state them.  These
> heartless to me.  Almost dismissive.  You may have never experienced the
> of a child, but many of us have.  Have you lost a child?
> Your tone/negative inflection in response to Bill's post saddens/floors me
> greatly.
> Your smiley faces appear a contradiction to your responses.  They do not
> alleviate the negative tone.
> You say near the end of your post that you promise to discuss with Bill
> nicely.
> Given the negative inflection of your responses I know that I'd be
hesitant to
> continue.
> Sherrie
> Either they are noncommittal and thus have no words of comfort for those
> have suffered the worst imaginable loss, or they hold to some sort of
> unspoken gospel which does not include their prerequisite, or they
> hold out no hope for children who die without faith.
> Bill wrote:
> > I believe this passage does mean that all receive
> > the gift of life and that this gift is automatically
> > afforded to us all whether or not we put our trust
> > and faith in Christ.
> Wow!  Bill, you sure do know how to shock me.  I'm listening, but I'm on
> the edge of my seat!  This is fun...
> Bill wrote:
> > The Scriptures speak of two deaths. The first death
> > is defeated in Christ's resurrection.
> Wait a minute... everyone partakes of the first death.  Everyone.
> Christ did not eliminate this from the destiny of men, did he?  The
> first death is defeated in Christ's resurrection, I agree, but that
> defeat is by undoing the first death through resurrection, not by
> preventing the death.  We all partake of the first death, but because of
> Christ, some of us will escape the second death.  Yes?  No?
> Bill wrote:
> > We all share in the victory of Christ's victory over
> > sin, death, and the devil.
> By the phrase "we all," do you mean all men everywhere, including the
> Ted Bundy's and Charles Manson's and Jeffery Dahmer's of the world?
> When I read you say that we share in Christ's victory over sin, that
> means to me that we will walk as he walked in regards to sin and no
> longer continue to sin.  When I read you to say that we share in
> Christ's victory over death, I read that to mean that we will defeat
> death in the same way, through the resurrection.  When I read you to say
> that we all share in Christ's victory over the devil, that means that we
> will resist him as Christ did, and escape his power and wiling ways.
> Bill wrote:
> > We all live because Christ is the justification
> > of life. The first death is therefore not the problem.
> > We all share in Christ's resurrection. We are all
> > called to live this life in faithful obedience to him
> > who gave it to us.
> Again, by "we all," do you mean all of mankind, or do you mean those who
> have been called of God, all the elect?
> Bill wrote:
> > How then does this view differ from "universalism"?
> > Keep in mind the second death. Before considering it,
> > however, let us talk about those among us who die in
> > infancy or childhood or early adulthood (?) before
> > having placed their faith in Jesus Christ. I have
> > to tell you, David, this speaks to the one thing
> > which disturbs me more than anything else: Christians
> > who make faith a necessary prerequisite to salvation
> > are really quite inconsiderate.
> Wow!  I'm listening, but still on the edge of my seat!
> Bill wrote:
> > Either they are noncommittal and thus have no words
> > of comfort for those who have suffered the worst
> > imaginable loss,
> I think I can think of worse losses, so I'm getting a little nervous
> when I hear such superlatives being thrown around.  Such usually
> indicates excessive emotion and hyperbole is expected shortly...  :-)
> Bill wrote:
> > or they hold to some sort of second, unspoken gospel
> > which does not include their prerequisite, or they
> > themselves hold out no hope for children who die
> > without faith. Whatever the case, it is terribly
> > sick and sad. There is good news for those who have
> > lost a child, and that good news is imbedded in the
> > Gospel and that Gospel is right here in these passages.
> So let me get this right.  If a doctrine brings bad news, terrible news,
> then something is wrong with that doctrine?  The law brought
> condemnation, does that mean we should question the holiness and
> usefulness of the law?  I think you are arguing a non-sequitur.
> Bill wrote:
> > The question is, do these young ones go to hell
> > when they die, and this because they failed to
> > believe in Jesus Christ? I say absolutely not.
> > They are secure in Christ and we can be sure of
> > that. Their security is absolute. They are
> > eternally secure and this is because it is not
> > faith which saves them -- or anyone else. Therefore,
> > a lack of faith cannot send them to hell. Jesus
> > Christ saves period! -- not faith, not repentance,
> > not baptism, not sanctification, not works:
> > Jesus Christ alone. And he saves these little ones.
> > His faith, his repentance, his baptism, his
> > sanctification, his works, his vicarious nature:
> > He saves us all. The passages under discussion --
> > Rom 5.12ff and IICor 5.14-21 -- make that abundantly
> > clear. These young ones are secure in Christ and we
> > can know that, because they have done nothing to
> > reject him. And there's the key. The first death,
> > their death, is swallowed up in victory. Resurrection
> > to eternal life is theirs in Christ.
> Ok, Bill, now the cat is out of the bag, as they say.  :-)  I am almost
> speechless, shaking my head in disbelief.  I am on the one hand so glad
> that you have spoken your mind and laid it out there, but on the other
> hand, I'm not buying what you are selling.  :-)  I have so many
> questions.  I have so many comments.  I do not know where to begin.
> First, I am confused by your kind words toward Calvin, because based
> upon your theology, Calvin surely would have burned you at the stake
> along with Michael Servetus.  You argue the very points he condemns
> vociferously in his Institutes of the Christian Religion.  You have
> gotten rid of the problem of original sin basically by saying that all
> children have been sanctified and saved by Christ's work on the cross,
> even before they are born.  While Calvin argues that faith is put in the
> heart of the newborn miraculously and that baptism will save them from
> their fallen state, you argue that the children are already redeemed as
> they come into the world, and that they are secure in their salvation as
> long as they never reject Christ!  Please tell me whether or not I am
> hearing you right, because I can hardly believe that I am hearing this
> from you.  We must progress slowly through this, because surely I am
> misunderstanding you the way that I was said to have misunderstood
> Lance.
> Bill wrote:
> > It is the "second death" that damns people to hell.
> > Those who suffer the second death are those who lose
> > their salvation, the very salvation provided them
> > in and through Christ's life, death, and resurrection.
> So in your view, everyone is saved by Christ's work, but some people
> reject their salvation.  Am I really hearing you right?
> You make eternal judgment not based upon works, not based upon how men
> have lived, but upon whether or not they reject Christ, which has
> already been fully formed in them from birth.  Am I hearing you right?
> Bill wrote:
> > These are those who volitionally reject Jesus Christ.
> > These are those who trample under foot the Son of God
> > and regard as unclean the blood of the covenant by
> > which he was sanctified. They insult the Spirit of grace.
> > They blaspheme the Holy Spirit. They commit the sin
> > which leads to death, the unpardonable sin. Because
> > in their rejection of Christ they deny the Lord who
> > redeemed them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.
> > These are those who do not overcome. It is not then
> > just the absence of faith which sends people to hell,
> > it is the outright rejection of Jesus Christ that damns
> > them.
> Well, let's see.  I am trying to inventory your disagreements with
> Calvinism.
> 1.  You disagree with Limited Atonement.
> 2.  You disagree with infant baptism.  Are you a Quaker in your view on
> Baptism?  (By the way, Jim Elsman is.)
> 3.  You disagree with the role of faith.
> 4.  You disagree with Total Depravity in regards to any practical
> application of it, because it has all been taken care of by Christ.
> 5.  You disagree with Calvin on Original Sin in that Calvin taught that
> all are born guilty, erroneously assuming that there can be no
> condemnation without guilt.
> So, why is it that you appreciate Calvin?
> Basically, it sounds like you believe in universalism with a twist.
> Everyone is automatically saved in Christ, but some might volitionally
> reject him and jump ship, and thereby be confined to hell.  If we add
> Jonathan's concept of hell being in Christ, then all are still in
> Christ, with some volitionally choosing hell in Christ and others
> accepting the gift and not choosing to move their residence to hell.
> This is getting a bit confusing.  :-)
> For some reason, the idea of ETERNAL JUDGMENT is getting completely lost
> in this discussion.  I'm going to wait to hear your response to my
> comments.  I have been told that I have misunderstood you guys before,
> so surely I must be misunderstanding again.  I can't tell you how many
> problems I have with this theological bombshell you have just dropped
> upon us.  :-)
> I promise to discuss with you nicely, so please do not think you have to
> stop talking about it.  If what you believe is truth, then it would be
> able to hold up to the scrutiny of Scripture, right?  I really think it
> would be good if we could get to the bottom of this.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
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