Sherrie wrote:
> Your reply to this appalls me.


Sherrie wrote:
> You say you think you can think of worse losses.  
> I can't.  I've lost a child.

Sorry.  I did not mean to minimize such a loss, but only to point out
that there are worse things than a young child leaving us and going to
heaven.  Death of loved ones is tough.  I'm sure you think about your
lost child often.

Sherrie wrote:
> Bill's words do speak healing to my soul.  Very, 
> very much so.  It might be wise to think about 
> comments before you state them.  These appear
> heartless to me.  Almost dismissive.  

Sorry.  I will do as you say and try to think more carefully about my
posts before I send them.
Sherrie wrote:
> Your tone/negative inflection in response to Bill's 
> post saddens/floors me greatly. Your smiley faces 
> appear a contradiction to your responses.  They do 
> not help alleviate the negative tone.

I'm not sure why you perceived a negative tone, but e-mail often is not
suitable for conveying such.  I like Bill very much and was interested
in discussing this subject with him.  There are many Christians who do
not believe that the young children go to hell upon death, and I am one
of them.  Never had I met anyone before that uses a theology of being
born in Christ to argue such.  

Sherrie wrote:
> You say near the end of your post that you promise 
> to discuss with Bill nicely.  Given the negative 
> inflection of your responses I know that I'd be 
> hesitant to continue.

Well, I guess I blew it then.  I will try to think harder about how my
words might be misinterpreted.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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