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Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ


Izzy: I'd really appreciate it if you didn't "play" to this stereotype. You

write well. I looked through your book. I read your description of the time

the two of you had at the park.Izzy, you say important things well and with

more warmth than most. At least read while quilting. Remember what I said:

Women live theology while men speak of it.

This so-called "conversation" is about Jesus. I already know He matters to

you more than anyone or anything.

I believe that when He came to this earth to become one of us He then

proceded to redeem us as a man empowered by the Spirit of God. I believe

that it is as a man, empowered by the Spirit, that He overcame Satan, sin,

sickness and death. This same Spirit that empowered Jesus empowers us. Is

this essentially what you believe? Blessings, Lance




I know you will be disappointed in me, but when you guys get into these fascinating nitpicking sessions about what came first, the chicken or the egg, and what is the meaning of the meaning of the meaning, etc., my eyes just glaze over.  I know you can’t imagine not finding all that extremely interesting, but that’s the way it is for me—sorry! Diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks.  As for your question, though, yes I agree with what you say above.  I’m so sure of all that that I don’t even feel the need to research it further.  I even believe He overcame sin so much that it is a dead issue for Believers. We don’t have to do it any more, and have no excuse if we do.  (Especially, “But everybody does it!”)


I really like your quote, Lance, that “Women live theology while men speak of it.”  What I wish to do is live it out, rather than study about it.  Part of that is through my creativity: writing, quilting, homemaking, gardening, volunteer work, and enjoying my family, friends, animals, and nature.  I believe that by rubbing elbows with my neighbors, friends, and family I can be a real life Ambassador for Christ in the world.  All I do or create can reflect Him.  The smaller and less “important” it is, the better.  A well-tended garden is a true thing of beauty in God’s economy. What ever we touch should shine for Him. I believe in living out the Proverbs 31 woman every day.  Even while jesting with Elsman and you all on TT.  (TT would really get boring if there was no one to tease! Someone as prickly as Elsman is a rare opportunity!)




PS You can’t read while quilting! (But you can listen to music.)


PPS  Here is what my son (with the Grandbabies) wrote inside my mother’s day card: “Thank you for teaching me to desire things of eternal value. Your wisdom, generosity, and personal holiness have greatly blessed me and my family. Rejoice as you witness the fruit of your obedience and faithfulness multiplied to future generations!”   Now that is what being a Proverbs 31 woman is all about! Praise the Lord, who makes ordinary lives, doing ordinary things for Him, count for eternity!!!




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