Other than #1, why do you choose to believe they are symbolic? Izzy


Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ


Hats off on 10 descriptions of hell  --  never put all that together before. 

John Snithosn

In a message dated 6/5/2004 2:59:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

IV The 10 descriptions of Hell are symbolic not literal

A. Physical garbage dump outside of Jerusalem

B. 4 Different figures of fire: (including gehenna)

1. Fire of Gehenna
2. furnace of fire
3. rain storm of fire and brimstone
4. lake of fire and brimstone
huge furnace with lake of fire inside, raining fire located in valley of hinnon in Jerusalem?
Or 4 different figures to depict the spiritual counterpart

C. Exile and banishment

D. Eternal night

E. A bottomless pit (Hades)

F. Scourged, while shacked in a prison

G. Worse than drowned in sea with millstone hung around neck: Mt 18:6

Conclusion: Not A Pretty Place

God appealed to all our five senses to describe hell as a bad place:

1. Touch: pain from burning fire
2. Taste: dry mouth, extreme thirst, blood from gnashing teeth
3. Smell: rotting garbage-gehenna; rotten eggs-brimstone
4. Sight: smoke-fire; corruption-gehenna or black darkness
5. Sound: moaning, weeping, crying, screaming



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