If Jesus had to grow in wisdom and stature then only a crazy person would claim to have all knowledge about all things and I am very much aware of the areas in my life that need to change. However, I am not 'knowingly' deceived and when the Holy Spirit shines the light of conviction on an area I deal with it.  Salvation is a walk.   Does this answer your question Lance?
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Not an answer, Judy! Do you wish not to answer this directly?For myself allow me to state unequivocally that, I have been, am, and will be wrong both in my understanding and therefore, my communication of some matters concerning God and His Gospel. 
From your perspective Lance it would most likely be the part that does not agree with your peculiar spin
on the Mediation of Christ :-)  This doctrine is either the answer or it adds to the problem.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
So then, when YOU are a contributor to any of these three what issues from your mouth/pen/keyboard actually originates with Satan?
When it relates to truth and why we don't all say the same thing  - Yes I do. Unbelief, chaos and disunity serve his purpose, rather than the Lord's.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
so, when misunderstood by anyone, you attribute this to Satan???
Your question was "When it does not then, to what do we attribute this prevailing misconception of our meaning?"
My answer is "We attribute all misconception to the father of lies and his minions this is their ministry exclusively..."
??????????????SERIOUSLY please translate this message as it relates to my question
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: We've all misunderstood what someone has meant when spoken to. We've all similarly been misunderstood, as to our meaning, when speaking to others. On occasion this may entail 'deception'. When it does not then, to what do we attribute this prevailing misconception of our meaning?
judyt: This is the ministry of the powers of darkness; however when we are committed to and consistently serving the Lord with our whole heart He is faithful to cause us to stand and standing involves being able to discern between good and evil (the truth and the lie). It is also important to walk in the kind of love that covers the multitude of sin in our brother/sister while we are all in the process of being sanctified and conformed to HIS image.
So, the Holy Spirit is not able to give understanding if everyone does not see
every nuance of language in the same light?  I communicate with people from
all over - my husband and I communicate with our grandson who points and
uses one word.  How so?
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
No, the problem IS with language itself.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"language is the house of being" one ought to take care when one
objectifies language...
jt: What kind of a statement is this?  Philosophy from Heidegger who
some call a Nazi philosopher?
What Jesus meant and what we say he meant may not be the same in
all cases.
jt: True, but the problem is not with "language" per se. The problem is
with the deceitful heart of mankind...who holds the truth in unrighteousness.
If it were (the same in all cases) we would be 'one unified body', in speach
at least, but, we are'nt so it's not (the same in all cases)...is it??
jt: No it's not because we have an adversary who has been busy for the past
2,000yrs sowing confusion and since there is little or no discernment in the
body of Christ.  Confusion and chaos reign.

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