TTer's unite!!!   Chris Barr is obviously thinking he is actually included in this forum of strangers and friends.   Good deal.   It may surprise the Barr man  but Smithson here is spending the evening with a floppy in the old lap top, watching the boob tube with my sweetie and reading his several posts.   The format of same has me thinking that they might be of some import.   But I will let you all know for sure when the morning light comes round. 


In a message dated 7/20/2004 10:09:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lance: When it comes to Monty Python ... well ... I looove it.  I'm more partial to "The Argument Clinic" than the 'dead parrot sketch' (although that is excellent).  It is no small booboo for you not to see the clear geography and nomenclature that IDs Russia in Scripture but I would be hot and bothered if I let that bother me with the temperatures 'round here (nod's as good as a wink, eh?)  Mostly you just make me laugh.  My speaking is exactly for those with a discerning eye and ear i.e. for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear what The Ruach ha Kadosh (The Holy Spirit) saith.  As to converts ... not my thang ... I'm a recruiter for The Kingdom of YHVH ... it's only for a few good men (women, too!).  Tally Ho and Semper Fi!

P.S.  I thought 'Life of Brian' was GREAT!  All its religious protesters missed the whole point and only revealed themselves as exactly those that the movie was about!

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