In a message dated 7/24/2004 11:39:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
jt: Is it the content of what I say Bill, or the way I am saying it?  Should I pray for more delicate wording?

I hope you know that my regard for you is sincere  --  but you can be a little short, as they say  (so can Bill, by the way.) Your question above is the solution, I think.   In the short time I have been an observer,  I can tell each of you (Bill and you, Judy) what is not going to work when you two write each other.   I continually refer back to I Co 13:4-7.  That chapter is most often used to solve marital disagreements/issues when, in point of fact, it is a passage of instruction designed to give advice regarding how brethren are to relate to one another  -- i.e. on this list.  If I were sitting next to your computer, reading what you were preparing to send, I would be saying (often, I am sure) "I don't think that is going to go over well."   If I know what sets each of you off, well, its not a secret is it?  
jt: I do appreciate your concern John and I don't doubt that you are sincere.  However, if I do as you say then what I write would be controlled by the anger of others.  How is it possible to speak the truth in love in such circumstances.  I seem to remember Paul wrestling with this  problem (Galatians 1:10).  I don't feel called to go out and incite a riot amongst unbelievers - however, when I joined TT I understand that there was freedom here and everyone was welcome along with their beliefs. I wasn't aware that anything had changed.

When I am following your (the both of you) thread, I am learning or at reconsidering my own position BUT I AM ALSO WORRYING A LITTLE as to when it is all going to blow up.   If we don't like the heat, we should float in the pool and stay out of the kitchen  -- and both of you need to get a handle on that.  
jt: Hey!! I'm not angry John.  Nothing Bill has said so far on this list has incited me to anger.  I just can not agree with him and since this is a public list and Bill posts his beliefs on a public forum, I am free to counter them publicly.  I do not flame or attack the man personally, he's probably a very nice fellow like DaveH.

When I started with this forum, I was more an infighter than either of you and I can slam with the best of them.   But along the way, I have decided to leave that out of my communication  .....   way before Jonathan's criticism but the fact that I hurt him in some way was my fault  -- whether i meant to or not.   The Lord doesn't care if it pays to be nice or gentle  -- he just wants us to treat each other that way period  -- or did I miss His point?
jt: I don't see myself in a slamming contest, or as an infighter John because strife is as bad as adultery in God's eyesight. However, we all have a resposibility to speak the truth in love. If we see a brother/sister err (driving toward a broken bridge) is it love to leave well enough alone just to keep the peace or are we responsible to warn him/her?  Should I allow someone's anger to determine whether or not I should obey my conscience in the Lord?

I do appreciate your concern though John, it's hard to imagine what it must have been like to live in the kind of legalism that you have experienced in  your denomination - I do want to respect God's boundaries but the bottom line is "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty"... :)

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