Well, that is a possibility. I'll have to let you know when I decide and when I actually vote. I could change my mind at the polls, I suppose, and maybe vote Mickey Mouse again. At least this time, I'll be voting in Florida, so it may be more appropriate. :)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Wednesday, 22 September, 2004 23.29
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Who to Vote for, and WHY?

Jonathan, What if she chooses Bush? J Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonathan Hughes
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 6:00 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Who to Vote for, and WHY?


Hi John,


I guess it is obvious that Izzy has me going today.  I just am so fed up with someone claiming something and refusing to actually look into the details.  You are right: I am so cotton-picken upset because I do accept Linda’s claim to be a Christian.  To me that is not in doubt at all.  I just cannot fathom how one can believe as she does in light of the vast majority of evidence that accurately portrays Bush to be far other than she suspects.  I have wracked my brain for weeks regarding how to get Izzy to pick up a book, read a website or do anything that may help her learn something outside the ideological box she has constructed for herself.  I believe it is extremely important and obviously am very passionate regarding it.  If I didn’t care about Izzy (or Judy) I wouldn’t bother.  The breath of fresh air today was brought about by Kay.  She nicely put down a list of concerns that are important to her and wants to study the candidates to see which one comes into line with the majority of them.  That is thoughtful Christianity worked out.  Marvelous.





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