-----Original Message-----
From: David Miller
Sent: Wednesday, 05 January, 2005 10.00
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Judaizers within the Messianic Movement

*slade snipped a bunch to talk about later*

I believe that a prophet who speaks in the name of the Lord must be error
free in the messages that he declares to be a word from the Lord.  A man or
woman who commits error in such a message is a false prophet.  Nevertheless,
prophets do not always speak in this way.  Prophets do not cease to be men
or women who no longer need to study, so the idea that they are always right
in their opinions or exegesis of Scriptures is not true.  I might note also
that some prophets do not even study the Scriptures.

There are many different types of prophets, both in OT and NT times.  The
prophets Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and John
the Baptist all functioned differently.  David ministered prophetically
primarily through song.  Ezekiel through pantomine.  Moses through
leadership and mighty miracles.  John the Baptist without either miracle or
many great prophetic statements concerning the future (other than the all
important one concerning the appearance of Messiah in his generation).

In the first paragraph, you qualify a message given "as the word from the
LORD" must be error free. This is true. You then state prophets do not
always speak in this way. Lastly, you say that prophets are men who err. Ok.
I can agree to a point because even Elijah needed assurance from the LORD
that he was not the last of his kind (you know the story about the 4000 who
never bent a knee).

Here's where the problem arises. I know many who claim the prophetic gift,
but never proclaim anything. I hear the declaration "I AM A PROPHET" as if
they deserve my reverence, yet they never speak "a word from the LORD." It's
easy to be error free if you never give "a word." The, of course you have
the complete jag-off who throws the "a word from the lord" around like it's
candy at a parade and the consistency of their error is shocking! Those are
the JERKS that need to be stoned, wiped from the message boards, and
surgically altered to never speak or write again.

So which are you!?! The never give a word type, an occasional word type, or
the always a word type? Are you willing to test the mettle of your prophetic

Second paragraph later.

-- slade

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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